Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Can anyone tell me the main idea of the di vinci code??

I believe the main Idea of the di vinci code was out of all the thirty or more Gospels that where written only three where put in the bible, there are many more out there that challenge the validity of those that where put in the bible, the Gospel of Judas is just one of them, and that is one Gospel the religious organizations do not want to their flocks to see or read about, the truth is out there and the religious world dose not want to deal with it, so the religious world continues to keep their head in the sand and preach about something that just may or may not be true, one must remember that truth can sometimes be vary harm full, and in this case destroy the whole religious system that so many of us hold so dear to our hearts in what we believe in, man is simply not ready for that truth yet.

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